Become a Member
Joining 100+ Women Who Care allows you to nominate local non-profit organizations for consideration and vote for one of three nominted organizations at each quarterly meeting.
or Download and Mail the application
Your Attractive Heading
Members commit to make a quarterly minimum donation of $50 given directly to local nonprofits serving Franklin County. If a member is not able to attend a quarterly meeting, members are still responsible for their quarterly donation. Members will not be able to vote at any quarterly meeting until donations are current.
Membership continues until the member submits their resignation in writing to the Membership Coordinator of the Steering committee. Members agree that even if they do not vote for the organization chosen by majority vote, they will fulfill thier donation commitment to the chosen organization.
Information submitted through the membership application will not be shared with donor organizations or others. It will be kept strictly in the 100+ WWCFCMA files.