Meet & Vote

  • Each quarter members meet to hear from three nominated organizations.
  • The member who nominates the organization should plan to make a 5-minute presentation. If someone is present from the non-profit, they will answer questions. If a representative isn’t present the member answers questions to the best of their ability. After the three (3) presentations are complete, members vote by writing down the organization they select on a card, which has been slipped into their lanyard. 
  • A steering committee member collects all votes and provides them to the Nominations chair to tally. The Treasurer is also present.
  • While this is being done, groups who have previously been awarded financial support make a presentation about their use of funding.   
  • After the organization is announced at the meeting, members are then asked to write their check for $50.00 directly to the organization. Checks are collected by the Treasurer, or a Steering Committee member and a record noted in the membership log. Members who are not present at the meeting are called and the Treasurer arranges for those checks to be collected. 
  • When all membership checks are collected, the Chair presents them to the organization.
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